My story
Hello! Thank you for checking out my website. I am indebted to all the souls whom I have crossed paths with over the course of this journey.
I am not someone who saw spirits at the foot of my bed when I was a child. In fact it took me many years to trust that I could do this and to work up the courage (with the help of spirit) to start. My journey to evidential mediumship has been circuitous and at times confusing but it has been one of the most rewarding and life changing things I have done.
I grew up always wondering what else was there that we could not see. As a 10 year old this included aliens, the Bermuda triangle and whatever else was on Unsolved Mysteries. As I grew older this curiosity turned into fear and in my 20s I suffered from severe anxiety about the hereafter. More accurately my fear was based on the possible lack of nothingness when we passed on. When my father died suddenly at the age of 48 in 2009 these fears were at their absolute worst and I would say they even ruled my life, paralyzing me and preventing me from being present. In 2016 I had my first ever mediumship reading. It was the first time my curiosity was proactive. My whole life I had been “wondering”. When my father came through this medium with pieces of evidence the medium would have no way of knowing everything changed for me. Not only was the afterlife something I could trust but so was an idea of God or some sort of creative intelligence or Higher Power. From that day forward I have not been able to look away and I have felt a pull to do this work as well. I felt so much peace after that reading. Since then I have felt a calling to hopefully be a conduit for other souls to hear from their loved ones.
I do believe we all have the ability to communicate with people on the other side but I understand the power of hearing it through a 3rd party. I still get mediumship readings all the time and although I know they are well on the other side it has greater impact hearing it from someone who is a stranger to them who can also tell me specific details about their physical traits, personality, and life events. Hearing the evidence first helps me trust in the messages of love and support that also come through. This is the point of Evidential Mediumship; to provide certainty.
Although I call myself a medium I have a passion for psychic work, animal communication,and Reiki. Please peruse my services page to read all about these offerings.
I believe there is no real end to learning in this field, just as life lessons also seem to be a lifelong endeavor. I hope to meet you as we walk this journey together.